Sensation: Obama holt Gorbach ins Team

28. November 2011 | Von | Kategorie: Politik

Unser Vorarlberger salamiNEWS -Korrespondent Franz Kronfelder wurde Ohrenzeuge eines bemerkenswerten Telefonates. Es war Mittwoch früh, als er aus den Räumlichkeiten der Feldkircher Auslands-Republikaner den ehemaligen Vizekanzler und Infrastrukturminister Hubert „the world ist to small for me“ Gorbach torkeln sah. Natürlich versuchte unser Korrespondent sofort den begehrten Interviewpartner anzusprechen, jedoch klingelte gerade in diesem Moment Gorbachs Handy. Geistesgegenwärtig konnte Kronfelder schnell sein Aufnahmegerät aktivieren:

„Yes it´s me, Hubsi Gorbach. Yes, I was Vice-Cancler, but not only, also responsible for Streets and trains and so. Who is speaking, please?”

“Ah Barack, nice to hear you. I saw you in TV, I celebrated with your republican friends, but they were not so funny. … Oh, you are democrat? Very good, me too. You know, I always fighted against the not so democratic big coalition in Austria. But what can I do for you?”

“You search together your team? Yes sure I would have time, to help you. You know, it´s a good timepoint, because for me it´s boring here, because the world is to small for me here in Vorarlberg. On what job did you think for me?”

“Aha, aha, very interesting. I´m really a good choice for you. Because I always worked together very good with the blacks. Ask Schüssel, maybe you know him? He was Cancler under me. So we would make a wonderful team together. And what do you need exactly from me?”

“Yes that´s sound good. One question: I always need attractive staff in my office, because I´m a very active man, you know what I mean? Hahahaha. So my question is: maybe this Miss Palin could do some jobs for me?”

“Oh, she is republican? No problem, me to. You know, in Austria we stopped monarchy some time ago, and we are a republic now. So that would not be a problem. But if you don´t like here, no problem, maybe you have other attractive girls in Washington?”

“Ok, perfect. So I will come to you next week, to speak about all the details. One last question: I will help you, so maybe you can help me. One hand washes the other, you know? Know we have again a big coalition. And I really don´t like it. And I´m sure you will like it not, to. Because one of them, Faymann, is a red one and the other, Pröll, is not really a black politician. He is only doing so. Maybe you can speak with the CIA or so. … Yeees. That’s what I mean. We are both of the same caliber. It will be funny, when we rule the world.”

“Okay, thank you, my old friend. We see us soon. By by.”

Leider stand Gorbach für kein Interview zur Verfügung. Dennoch können wir gespannt sein, welche tragende Rolle unser ehemaliger Vizekanzler nun in der Obama-Administration einnehmen wird.

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Originally posted 2009-01-20 21:14:17.

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2 Kommentare auf "Sensation: Obama holt Gorbach ins Team"

  1. Anonymous sagt:

    Er sollte sein Englisch ein wenig aufpolieren,den BARACK OBAMA hat ihn sowas gerollt,und er hat es net einmal gemerkt!

    It should be a little English refurbish the Barack Obama has rolled him something, and he once noticed net!

    GD Star Rating
  2. Gertrude Sladek sagt:

    Also, dieser Beitrag ist für mich einer der besten, der hier je veröffentlicht wurde; daher befindet er sich auch schon in meinem Profil auf FB, aufdass ihn auch alle meine Freunde zu Gesicht bekommen können. Wirklich, das war wieder eine Glanzleistung satirischem Schaffens, daher, herzliche Gratulation!

    GD Star Rating

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